Flipped out over a gazillion possibilities in custom boots? Joey Sanchez can help you straighten it all out. Custom Made EZ, from Champion Attitude Boots, is a flip-book designed to help boot buyers select a boot top, flip it on the perfect toe, and fl op in the boot body, meanwhile highlighting with desired color swatches, leather choices, and design motifs. “The book will be sent with all gift certificates so that the giver has something for under the tree that the gifted can use to order their own custom boots,” says Sanchez, owner of CABoots in El Paso, Texas. After the first of the year, the CABoots.com website will have a digital version of the book online. Sanchez and his wife, Priscilla, and the team were featured in May on the Fortune Small Business site as a subject for CNN Small Biz Makeover. For a copy of Custom Made EZ and a chance to flip your way to boot bliss, call (915) 544-1855 or visit www.caboots.com.

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