Hosting approximately 400,000 visitors in 2009, Cheyenne Frontier Days (CFD) welcomed travelers from all 50 states, plus Japan, Korea, Australia, Canada, England, France, Germany, and Austria. Early risers can watch the free timed event slack rodeo, where overflow contestants compete to set the mark for the main rodeo performances. The Behind the Chutes Tours are also free, and give you a chance to get your boots in the arena dirt. Meet at the CFD Old West Museum entrance and enjoy this behind-the-scenes look at CFD.
The daily rodeo performances— including two PBR shows—are the main attraction, of course, but seeing the antique carriages in the 90-minute Grand Parades on Central, stuffing yourself with free pancakes at the Depot Plaza, viewing Western art shows, shopping for Native American arts, and listening to night concerts are fun, too. The acclaimed United States Air Force Thunderbirds also put on an aerial performance. Not to mention the rides on the Carnival Midway, which are almost as popular as the rodeo itself.
Two must-see stops at Frontier Park are the Indian Village, with dance and storyteller performances throughout the day, and the Old West Museum, with displays that capture Cheyenne’s pioneer experience. The Cheyenne Street Railway Trolley tour offers an informative riding tour of Cheyenne and its historic attractions and legends. Be sure to visit the newly restored Cheyenne Depot Museum, and finish off the experience by watching a “live” gunfight performance by the Cheyenne Gunslingers.
The Historic Plains Hotel, neighboring the depot, is a great place to stay for frontrow seats to the parades, and a few blocks away, the Nagle Warren Mansion B&B has historic and luxurious accommodations.
WHERE: Cheyenne, Wyo.
WHEN: July 23–August 1, 2010
MORE: Cheyenne Convention & Visitors Bureau